Hello. I hope whoever is reading this is having a good day. This is going to be a long story but it's important that it comes out. I worked very close to the Schmidt family and I think it's important that I show the world the absolute hell they have caused so many people. This blog will be a way to show you this family for who they really are. I will provide photos and documents as proof but before I begin, if you don't know who the Schmidt family is, I'll fill you in with a very brief history. Arnold Schmidt Arnold founded the company In 1964, naming it UF-Tech. (United future tech). He wanted a company that could spread entertainment that you could own in your very own home for an affordable price. Arnold started with The techno-theatre series. A line of television sets which skyrocketed the company almost immediately. In 1979 they made their first big leap to telephones with the very popular porto-phone, a portable phone in which you only pay 10 dollars per cartri...